In 2010 WSDOT’s Web team conducted usability testing on Staff at iCarpool used the results and information from a variety of other sources to develop upgrades in 2011. In January 2012 WSDOT’s Web Team conducted another round of usability testing. They compared the results to the 2010 testing. Here are a few highlights:
> Creating an account in 2012 took 7.5 minutes on average, which is 9.5 minutes less than it took in 2010.
> Commute ridematching has not improved. In both 2010 and 2012 this task took about 19 minutes. It is the most time consuming of all five tested tasks.
> The report identifies additional opportunities to further streamline tasksand improve the user experience.
The attached report more thoroughly summarizes the results of the 2012 usability testing.