The following updates went into the system over the weekend.  Check them out!  Of course they are also in the test environment as well - in case you want to play around with them.

Note: These updates are based on feedback from the feedback log, so don't forget - if you have feedback, send it to us to add to the log!

Emergency Ride Home

Significant updates have been made to the ERH screens based on feedback and desired usage.

  1. ERH Enrollment
    1. Streamlined user interface for ERH enrollment.
    2. Enrollment form has a new field for preferred service. If multiple services are offered (example: Uber, Lyft, Taxi), this field shows up and the user can select one entry as their preferred service amongst the available services.
    3. The enrollment qualifying modes have been decoupled from the qualifying modes for ERH requests. An administrator can select appropriate enrollment qualifying modes from amongst all available modes in the system including Drive Alone.
    4. Removed [workTelephone], [supervisorName] and [BusNumber] from the enrollment form.  
    5. Added Other to “How did you hear about the program?”.
    6. Increased the Program Information text from 500 characters to 2000 characters.
    7. When enrolling in the ERH program, the user must agree to the program guidelines.
    8. ERH Requests
      1. Streamlined user interface for requesting ERH.
      2. Added [Date Ride Taken] which user can enter in case the ERH ride was taken on a past date.
      3. Added [Admin Note] for storing any data corresponding to each ERH request such as a TNC code or a coupon serial number corresponding the coupon used. This field may be used differently based on the business process designed around its usage.
      4. ERH Email Notifications – The ERH configuration screen on the administration side has a new setting “Notify user when voucher is processed”. If this setting is turned ON - when the administrator approves / rejects / cancels the ERH request, the user is notified via email. Important – If notifications are turned ON, then the admin comments are sent to the user.


Miscellaneous Updates

  1. A SchoolPool admin of one school can access all school networks from a higher level network.
  2. When importing redeem codes in the system, the redeem codes are not trimmed if there are extra spaces.
  3. When setting the Home/Work address, the address must contain or resolve to a zip code. This only applies to Home/Work addresses set prospectively.
  4. Incentives page - When there is more than one page, the next button needs to be at the bottom as well as at the top.
  5. The Captcha control (magic word during registration) has been removed based on ADA feedback. As the system uses email validation, Captcha is not required.
  6. A new check box is available on the "Mark as Primary Driver" popup to update the Primary Contact with the information provided.
  7. Community Network now has the link for generating comma separated email addresses.
  8. Increased number of characters allowed for search in user lookup screen.
  9. Tabbing has been fixed in the user lookup screen.

10. The Home page now supports the use of hyperlinks in the network content section. Also the network content on the home page has increased spacing between the wrapped text and image.

11. If a proxy user validates the email address, the user is no longer considered proxy.

12. The menu color for the user side menu has been updated (instead of blue it is a shade of brown). To see the updated color, some browsers may need a refresh and/or deleting all cached content.

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