A small update was recently made to the server the weekend of September 14th. Below are the highlights of the update:
The home page Facebook Connect dialog box will use no longer use cookies to store the user preference in the database. This will ensure the prompt does not come up again if the user selects that option regardless of the status of the cookie.
State will be a required field in the registration page to user identifies with the appropriate state network.
The tooltip on the registration page will clarify no spaces are to be used for the "Magic Word". Some users thought they was spaced and added them which resulted in calls to support staff. This change should help reduce these types of calls.
The Trip Log Report (By Days) will be renamed to Trip Log Report (By Days Using Longest Trip In The Day).
A new report will be added - Trip Log Report (By Days Using All Trips In The Day). This report uses all trips logged on a day of the selected modes to produce the appropriate counts. If days for specific modes have to be counted (example – alternative modes only), the administrator running the report could deselect the modes that don’t apply and run the report.
If you have questions regarding and of these updates - please let me know.