The attached document summarizes WSDOT-sponsored features and improvements that have been completed during the past year or so and are still in the works for the RideshareOnline / DriveLessConnect / i-Way / Totem Lake Green Trips / etc. platform. This list is by no means comprehensive. As we have seen during the past couple of years, other organizations - including iCarpool - invest in upgrades and features that benefit everyone who uses this shared technology.

The improvements were developed collaboratively and we considered customer and network administrator usage and feedback and iCarpool’s strategic direction. WSDOT has reserved funding for the remaining items on the list, though in some cases we may have only enough for initial phases of work. As in the past, pilot projects, customer engagement and feedback are crucial to these projects. Many thanks to iCarpool, King County Metro and others who have supported these projects and provided valuable feedback and suggestions.

If you have specific questions about a project included on the list please contact me and/or Anne Bruskland. We will continue to post information and updates about specific projects on Smart Transportation as they proceed.

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